A House Church Explained 

A simple, organic, house church is not 15-20 people dropping to see each others faces once-twice a week in someone else’s house over a cup of tea with cookies or a meal doing bible study ‘meetings’ complete with praise and worship and prayers. Nothing wrong with that but nothing also could go right. We have been doing this for decades yet most Christians are still wearing their spiritual diapers and bottle milks, irresponsibly neglecting that it is their duty to either grow spiritually or buried in stagnancy. They still blamed this to others. 
A house-church, however you may want to call it is still the same number of people either living in one roof or in separate houses next to each other. Each one or family decided to live the Zoe-Life of Jesus to be live-out in a ‘daily’ basis and ‘together’ as ‘one family,’ not ‘Christian neighbors.’ (Acts 2&4, Heb.3:13). 
It’s a people who decided to deny themselves and so started serving one another. They make disciples to their friends and neighbors, baptizes them and get cleaned. Whenever someone wants to follow Jesus He said ‘sin no more.’ Be part of a bigger family: He who left fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, houses and lands shall have hundreds of them (Matt. 19:29). It is how Jesus defined His Church. 
They take care of each other’s needs. Instead of collecting money to pay high-maintenance facilities such as building rents and bills they go chose the low-maintenance of a widow who needs daily foods or medicines. They’re not only sharing their resources to anyone who has needs but they also share their burdens, struggles and yes, their sins to confession. They start ‘living’ that Life of Jesus they receive by ‘giving’ it to others. “By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.” 1 Jn. 3:16 
One of the disciples here is living with two widows. He buys them food out of his plants sale. He picks up woods for cooking and now building a wall around their room and a toilet for them to use. The ecclesia decided to rent them a land and build something that they can live in. One family we have decided to take in 3 orphans. They treated them as their own, clothed them, feed them, send them to school. And yes when they’re sick they bring them to the doctor. The ecclesia here decided to help that family when they needed something. Other disciples we sent not just to make disciples but to help pay electricity bills of widows in need. Repaired their leaking roofs or ceiling or build them a toilet. Some disciples decided themselves to help send children, orphans to school. Others served to drop them to school for safety. And others help prepare their school assignments. One disciple encourages the kids to type a chapter of a book in the computer as practice and rewards them. It be printed out and give away to other disciples or send them through email. Recently they type the “75 Commandments of Jesus” printed it and put it in every Bible to be given away to Saints around. 
These are unseen happenings because it is not a ‘weekly program,’ it is daily-life-together ‘from house to house.’ They cook food together with children to learn how to slice onions or make a dough. Saints washed togethers clothing with an extra clothes from a widow who cannot do it anymore. The boys are doing gardening or sewing a hammock or belt bags to sell. Their business is theirs, profit is shared and then everyone lays down not just their lives but also their money to help those who are in need. Kingdom principles of living is not meant to be limited only by memorizing them. You have to practice it as Jesus says “He who practice these things.” See also 1John 2:29 
So much needs to meet but if you’re just wishing to receive help and not give you will never get it. 
Everyone has something to offer. So everyone offers something. It’s when we believe we have nothing to offer when we start looking at ourselves. But when we look at other people’s situation you will be able to see how you can help them. A story below should help you understand what I just said. 
“I do nothing there if I go with you” says a foreigner, “I don’t speak your language so the people won’t understand me.” 
“Are you going to ‘talk’ there anyway?” Albert answered back. “Why not bring a nail cutter and cut the children’s finger nails there. You don’t need to talk. There’s so much to do. Surely you be cutting nails all day long!” 

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